Top 5 Things You Must Include on a Media Kit

Five Essentials to Include in a Media Kit- girl sitting on bed on laptop

I’ve you been wondering what is in a media kit, the answer is more simple than you probably think it is. Whether you have a brand or you are a blogger or influencer, creating a proper media kit is very important. It’s vital that you are putting your absolute best self forward to set yourself apart from other bloggers and increase your chances of landing that dream collaboration!

Side note: The information is this post is perfect for business owners and influencers looking to dip their toe in the water of public relations. If you're ready to skip to the good stuff, click here to learn more about our online public relations course, Pitch, Please!

The best way to do this is by attaching your media kit along with your pitch email. For those of you who don't know, a media kit is sort of like your “resume,” as an influencer.  It's basically a summary of you, your blog, your personal brand, and more. It's such an important tool to have when you're pitching yourself to brands because it gives them a deeper look into who you are, and what your brand is all about! Not to mention, it emits a level of professionalism, which will easily impress a potential brand partner!

The breakdown

A short bio about you and your blog

Brands will want to know more about the person and blog reaching out to them. Typically you should include how long you’ve been blogging, the topics you write about, and any info that might appeal to a particular brand (For example, a weekly “beauty product” series you write if you’re reaching out to a beauty brand). Be personal and make it about the brand! It’s important for you to give off the impression that you can provide value to the company you want to work with.


As you’ll see, what is in a media kit includes a lot of (boring) text. Break it up using photos that you’ve shared on your blog. Ideally, these will be photos from previous brand collaborations, but if you haven’t done too many collaborations yet, you could just as easily include some of your best photography from other posts.Don’t forget to also include a photo of yourself and your blog’s logo. For your photo, I highly recommend using a professional-looking headshot, rather than that iPhone photo of you at the beach two years ago. Ya get me? Go outside, take a clear, bright photo, and use it from here on out for all things “blog.”


As with any business, brands will want to know what kinds of results they can expect from working with you. Statistics may not paint the whole picture here, but they’ll give some indication about the size of your audience and reach. We recommend to include the following statistics:

  • Your subscribers & followers

  • Social Media + Blog Reach or Impressions

  • Social Media Monthly Pageviews

  • Blog + Website

  • Monthly unique visitors

  • Demographics

  • Age-Range, Gender, & Location

What If Your Stats Aren’t Amazing?

If you have a social media statistic that is far lower than your other ones, we suggest to leave it out. If you’re a newer blogger, you may not have thousands of followers to share, but you probably do have growth you could mention. An example might be, “in the past 30 days, my Instagram following has increased by 300 percent.” That shows a brand that your blog or online presence is growing.

This aspect of PR is covered in depth in our online public relations course, Pitch, Please!

Testimonials + previous work

If you already have some collaborations or partnerships then you should definitely consider listing them. It can be as simple as sharing their brand logos or as complex as a testimonial or case study from a previous collaboration, showing the results of that campaign (such as how many giveaway entries and click-throughs were received). This section will give your collaborations more credibility to a brand. It’s a way to show brands that you have experience and will give them an idea of what to expect if they work with you.

Collaboration options

This is where you get to list all the fun ways that a brand can collaborate with you! The basic options are sponsored blogs, giveaways, affiliate ads on your blog, social media promotion (feed posts, stories, etc.), and product reviews. You don’t need to include all of these options in your services, just include what you’re interested in doing. If you want to include another unique way to market a brand, that isn’t included in the options above, we highly encourage it! Brands are looking for fresh, creative ways to market themselves.

How to get started

What is in a media kit last is your contact information so that the brand can easily reach out to you. We suggest including your full name, email address, social media handles, website URL, and even your address if they send you products.

Now time to get designing! We recommend using Canva because it is free and incredibly user-friendly. You can also buy Etsy templates from graphic designers if perhaps you need something a little more complex or don’t like any of the designs that Canva has to offer.


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